Untitled Document
Treaty-Making Power: Certain Legal Aspect
By Shiva Kant Jha
A Rehash of the traditional British position: the traditional ideas ummarized
The Points (XII.6) and (XII.7) constitute a mere précis of the traditional
British view, rather its mere rehash. Treaty is done in exercise of prerogative
by the Crown as it concerns the Crown's foreign affairs. But the Treaty
prerogative cannot be used to violate the legal rights of a British subject,
except on being liable for any damage he suffered.
This view is founded on the dictum of Sir Robert Phillimore ,Judge of the
Admiralty Court in (1879) 4 PD 129- in Parliament Belge, and is quoted
with approval both in the Majority, and Concurring Judgment in Maganbhai.
The British position is thus ummarized by Oppenheim already cited)
Besides, it has to be appreciated that under the British Constitution it is
possible to think that if the legislature and judiciary are destroyed,
or pass away on account of their own death-wish, all powers, right now exercised
by them, would go back to the Executive, i.e. the Crown. This is so, as all
the democratic institutions in the U.K. are the bye-products of the struggle
of people to tame the Executive Government. [In India, if such things happen,
the Constitution itself would vanish, and our "We, the People' would again frame
out of some revolutionary cauldron a Constitution.]
107. Justice Shah in Maganbhai summarized the British Treaty practice
"In Wade and Phillips' Constitutional Law, 7th Edn., it
is stated at p. 274:
"At first sight the treaty-making power appears to conflict with the constitutional
principle that the Queen by prerogative cannot alter the law of the and, but
the provisions of a treaty duly ratified do not by virtue of the treaty alone
have the force of municipal law. The assent of Parliament must be obtained and
the necessary legislation passed before a court of law can enforce the treaty,
should it conflict with the existing law."
On p. 275 it is stated that "treaties which, for their execution and application
in the United Kingdom, require some addition to, or alteration of, the existing
law" are treaties which involve legislation. The statement made by Sir Robert
Phillimore Judge of the Admiralty Court in (1879) 4 PD 129---[though the ultimate
decision was revised by the Court of Appeal on another point vide (1880) 5 PD
197] in dealing with the effect of a "Convention regulating Communications by
Post" signed and ratified in 1876 which purported to confer upon Belgian mail
steamers immunity of foreign warships is appropriate:
"If the Crown had power without the authority of Parliament by this treaty
to order that the Parliament Belge should be entitled to all the privileges
of a ship of war, then the warrant, which is prayed for against her as a wrong-doer
on account of the collision, cannot issue, and the right of the subject but
for this order unquestionable, to recover damages for the injuries done to him
by her is extinguished."'
The view in the Parlement of Bege which Justice Shah followed
in Maganbhai is historically dated, no longer relevant.
The view set forth in Parlement of Belge (1879 ( 4 P.D. 429)
is founded on the Parlement of Belge (1879 ( 4 P.D. 429 reflecting the
political thinking of the 18th and 19th centuries bearing
the imprint of features as these:
(a). During such times public rights against the Crown were yet to
be recognized. Even the concept of private right was very narrow.
(b) In the Parlement Belge the claim was against the wielders of public
power who sought to cause prejudice to a British subject in pursuance to a treaty
'concluded by Crown within the assent of Parliament' (Keir and Lawson
p. 160).
(c ). It portrays the view in consonance with the British polity of that time
when it was neither democratic nor egalitarian, ( nor under the discipline of
the law enforced by constitutionally guaranteed rights)
(d) By then the British jurists had not analyzed public and private
rights adopting a functional approach. They shade into each other. And these
rights are only formally different, in substance they are mere legally protected
interests of people.
(e). The changes in the world-view over the last 3 centuries have been fundamental
in many ways.. All the above statements of law is based on The Parlement
of Belge [(1879) 4 PD 129] decided by Sir Robert Phillimore in 1879. Keir
and Lawson refers to The Parlement of Belge at p. 160 of their Cases
in Constitutional Law (5th ed), but mentions a material point
in the footnote 2: he says---
"It is interesting to note that this view is found as early as 1728 in an
opinion of Yorke A.-G. and Talbot S.G. concerning the true interpretation of
a treaty of neutrality concluded in 1686 between the Crown of England and France…"
It deserves to be noted '1668' was only 2 years earlier to 1688 when the Glorious
Revolution brought about the overthrow of King James II of England. In 1689 the Bill of Rights
1689 was granted which become one of the great charters of the constitutional
control of the Crown along with Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus Act 1679 and Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949.
The view in The Parlement of Belge reflected the political philosophy
of the time. Thomas Hobbes ( 1588 -1679), in his Leviathan, asserted
an uncontrolled power of the Crown. In his "The Law of Free Monarchies",
James I held that judicial and executive powers inhered in the King alone who
was God's vice-regent on the earth. [This legal position still continues in
England: "In the contemplation of the law the Sovereign is always present in
the court….".
] The Tudors ruled as absolute monarch when the King believed the State
itself ("L'Etat,c'est moi"). [vide The Tudor Constitution by Elton
pp.17-18.& 234-235]. The Parlement of Belge was decided in the Victorian
era when the Tudor view of 'Sovereignty' was still operative, and the people
of England was wholly unconcerned with the foreign affairs, and had had hardly
any Public Right. In fact this state of affairs continued till the World War
I accurately described by Taylor in the History of England 1914-1945
The traditional British position restated by Lord Atkin in Attorney
General for Canada v. Attorney General of Ontario: Justice Shah's
reflections in Maganbhai
The observations of Lord Atkin in Attorney General for Canada v. Attorney
General for Onterio
, were referred in the obiter dicta made in Maganbhai v.
Union of India
. That case emanated from Canada and, Lord Atkin's view was quoted
with approval in his concurring judgment by Justice Shah. Justice Shah would
have got the correct constitutional perspective within the parameters of our
Constitution, if he would not have omitted certain expressions inside Lord Atkin's
dictum. The correct and material text of Lord Atkin was set forth in Attorney-General
of Israel v. Kamiar, where President (Justice Agranat) perceptively observed
"I will summarize what I have said by stating that the system in force in
Israel for the conclusion of international treaties is similar to that which
is characteristic of the English legal system and which was described by Lord
Atkin in Attorney General for Canada v. Attorney General of Ontario [1937]
A.C. 326 at 347 in the following words:
'Unlike some other countries, the stipulations of a treaty duly ratified do
not within the Empire, by virtue of the treaty alone, have the force of law.
If the national executive, the government of the day, decide to incur the obligations
of a treaty which involve alteration of law, they have to run the risk of obtaining
the assent of Parliament to the necessary statute or statutes. To make
themselves as secure as possible they will often in such cases before final
ratification seek to obtain from Parliament an expression of approval….Parliament
…… has a constitutional control over the executive; but it cannot be disputed
that the creation of the obligations undertaken in treaties and the assent to
their form and quality are the function of the executive alone. Once they are
created , while they bind the State as against the other contracting parties,
Parliament may refuse to perform them and so leave the State in default. In
a unitary State whose Legislature possesses unlimited powers the problem is
simple. Parliaments will either fulfill or not treaty obligations imposed upon
the State by the executive. The nature of the obligations does not affect
the complete authority of the Legislature to make them law if it so chooses."'
[ emphasis supplied]
Lord Atkin was stating law in the context of the British jurisprudence, and
treaty practice. But he did say something which is of paramount importance for
us whose Government is under constitutional limitations, including Federalism
. He observed:
"But in a State where the Legislature does not possess absolute authority:
in a federal State where legislative authority is limited by a constitutional
document, or is divided up between different legislatures in accordance with
the classes of subject matter submitted for legislation, the problem is complex.
The obligations imposed by treaty may have to be performed, if at all, by several
legislatures: and the executive have the task of obtaining the legislative assent
not of the one Parliament to whom they may be responsible: but possibly of several
Parliaments to whom they stand in no direct relation. The question is not
how is the obligation formed, that is the function of the executive: but how
is the obligation to be performed and that depends upon the authority of the
competent legislature or legislatures." [ italics supplied]
The Privy Council in this case stated two things:
The Privy Council stated the typical British approach in this case emanating
from the Canadian jurisdiction as the Preamble to the British North America
Act, 1867 stated that :
"Whereas the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick have expressed
their Desire to be federally united into One Dominion under the Crown of the
Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with a Constitution
similar in Principle to that of the United Kingdom;"
Art. 9 stated :
'The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared
to continue and be vested in the Queen."
(b)The Privy Council held that legislation implementing an international convention
was void as it contravened Sections 91 and 92 of the British North America Act,
Lord Atkin's distinction between (1) the formation, and (2) the performance
of the obligations created under a treaty is correct and well understandable
under the British constitution. Under the British Constitution the Crown is
not a creature of the constitution, it is, of course, an integral part of the
constitution. The British constitutional history is an expanded metaphor of
the struggle conducted over centuries in the name of people against the absolute
power of the Crown. Even this day there is nothing wrong in saying that the
Crown has all the powers conceivable except that which it lost to Parliament
and the Courts in course of the country's grand and majestic constitutional
history. It is, hence, understandable to think that the Crown has certain inherited
and inherent powers. Treaty is done in exercise of prerogative power by the
Crown as it concerns the Crown's foreign affairs. The exercise of this power
was not of much consequence till the beginning of the 20th century.
The Crown had all the conceivable power at the international plane as it had
not been tamed by any constitutional mandate. Hence the formation of a treaty
at international plane was wholly in the Executive's province. In India the
Executive possesses no extra-constitutional power. As a creature of the
Constitution it is subject both in the matter of the formation of a treaty
and the performamce of obligation to the limitations placed by the Constitution
and the law. Whether a member functions in Delhi, or Detroit, it must conform
to the Rule of Law.
The Traditional Indian view evolved in the pre-Constitution ethos
In Gujarat v. Vora Fiddali
our Supreme Court held that in India Treaties occupy the same status, and
adopt the same treaty practice as in the United Kingdom. The British Parliament
which enacted G.I. Act, 1935 did not embody the American view of treaties in
it. The existing law was continued by the G.I. Act,1935 by the Indian Independence
Act 1947, and by our Constitution.
But the Treaty-making power in the U. K. is an exercise of the Crown's
Prerogative to the extent recognized as still subsisting by the courts and Parliament.
Besides, the Crown is under no constitutional constraints (which over-grip our
Central Government), and it possesses certain inherent powers which can be used
at the international plane. But our Central Government is denied any such power
as its powers are only constitutionally conferred powers. What differentiates
our constitutional position from the British constitutional position went unnoticed.
Historical Perspective must be adopted if our Constitution is to be
The constitutional principle is that the legally protected interests, which
we call 'rights' of people, cannot be prejudicially affected without the assent
of Parliament wherein the entire nation is deemed present through the duly elected
representatives. The concept of the legally protected interests has evolved
over the centuries, and now what it means can be deductively drawn only from
the close examination of the Constitution which we have given to ourselves,
and which the Sovereignty of the State is expressed and organized. The view
set forth in the Parlement of Belge is to be widened and modified.
The change wrought by Time has to be recognized. The courts have treated
TIME as a distinguishing factor in the matters of interpretation. Lord Buckmaster
said in Stag Line Ltd. V. Foscolo Mango & Co. Ltd.
"It hardly needed the great authority of Lord Herschell in Hick v. Raymond
and Reid (2) to decide that in constructing such a word it must be construed
in relation to all the circumstances, for it is obvious that what may be reasonable
under certain conditions may be wholly unreasonable when the conditions are
changed. Every condition and every circumstance must be regarded, and it must
be reasonable, too, in relation to both parties to the contract and not merely
to one."
And in McDowell's case Justice Chinnappa Reddy referred
to the observations of Lord Roskill in Furniss v. Dawson:
"The error, if I may venture to use that word, into which the courts below
have fallen is that they have looked back to 1936 and not forward from 1982."
F W Maitland wrote to Dicey himself: " the only direct utility of legal
history… lies in the lesson that each generation has an enormous power of shaping
its own law; see Cosgrove The Rule of Law: Albeit Venn Dicey: Victorian Jurist
(1980) p 177.
As Justice Shah quoted Lord Atkin's view and read Art, 73 and 253 of our Constitution
through the British coloured glass at a time by when many dimensions of our
Constitution were still not known: to illustrate (a) the Preamble is part of
Constitution), and the doctrine of the Basic Structure of our Constitution(for
which the nation awaited till 1973 for Keshvanand Bharti v. State of Kerala
AIR 1973 SC 1461 to get decided holding, interalia others, that the fundamental
rights are under express symbiotic relationship with other basic features. Justice
Shah had good reasons not know the evolution in the Jurisprudence of Interests.
In re Parlement Belge and Walker v. Baird, on which Maganbhai
relied, reflected the post-Bill of Rights 1689 phase. This view was exported
to India through the imperial courts to rule till the commencement of our Constitution;
and to the USA under analogous circumstances till the US Constitution was adopted
on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia,
and ratified
by the US states in the name of "The People". The view in The Parlement of
Belge reflected the political philosophy of the time. Thomas Hobbes
( 1588 -1679), in his Leviathan, asserted an uncontrolled power
of the Crown. In his "The Law of Free Monarchies", James I held that
judicial and executive powers inhered in the King alone who was God's vice-regent
on the earth. [This legal position still continues in England: "In the contemplation
of the law the Sovereign is always present in the court….".
] The Tudors ruled as absolute monarch when the King believed the State
itself ("L'Etat,c'est moi"). [vide The Tudor Constitution by Elton
pp.17-18.& 234-235]. The Parlement of Belge was decided in the Victorian
era when the Tudor view of 'Sovereignty' was still operative, and the people
of England was wholly unconcerned with the foreign affairs, and had had hardly
any Public Right. In fact this state of affairs continued till the World War
I accurately described by Taylor in the History of England 1914-1945
The assertions of Public Opinion after the World War I made the Courts and legislature
recognize the change in circumstances warranting evolving the law of Treaties
further still.
The Province of Rights has become wider and wider under our Democratic Constitution.
What they said in In re Parlement Belge and Walker
v. Baird was continued but creatively developed. The British courts
illustrated the freshness and creativity about which Judge Manfred Lachs of
the International Court of Justice said:
"Whenever law is confronted with facts of nature or technology, its solution
must rely on criteria derived from them. For law is intended to resolve problems
posed by such facts and it is herein that the link between law and the realities
of life is manifest. It is not legal theory which provides answers to such problems;
all it does is to select and adapt the one which best serves its purposes, and
integrate it within the framework of law
But the impact of our Constitution was not realized by our Supreme Court when
the obiter observations were made on India's Treaty-making power in Berubari,
Maganbhai, or Azadi Bachao. This happened because the Hon'ble
Justice Shah made his observation without subjecting it to the white-heat of
the forensic arguments by the contestants in the cause.
The U.S Constitution recognized a wider trajectory of 'rights' of people.
Justice Sutherland who was led to believe in Curtiss Wright Case [ 299
U S A 304 (1936)] that the USA possessed 'extra-constitutional"
: he said:
"And since the states severally never possessed international powers, such
powers could not have been carved out from the mass of state powers but were
transmitted to the U.S. from some other source. During the colonial period ,
those powers were possessed exclusively by and were entirely under the control
of the Crown. ……."
In sustaining the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, Justice Holmes,
delivering the opinion of the U.S Supreme Court, stated his core reason as the
"The treaty in question does not contravene any prohibitory words to be
found in the Constitution. The only question is whether it is forbidden
by some invisible radiation from the general terms of the 10th Amendment."
To undo his view Mr. Bricker moved a constitutional amendment to subject the
Treaty-making power to the constitutional control. The 'Bricker Amendment, considered
by the Senate in 1953-54, declared that no treaty could be made by the
United States that conflicted with the Constitution, was self-executing without
the passage of separate enabling legislation through Congress, or which granted
Congress legislative powers beyond those specified in the Constitution'. It
was passed by the Congress but could not be cleared by the Senate mainly because
the President Eisenhower did not like that for obvious reasons. No Executive
Government would ever like to subject its brute power to constitutional discipline.
But credit goes to the U S Supreme Court which in Reid v. Covert (1957)
held certain provisions certain treaties unconstitutional. The Constitution
is supreme whether the Executive Governments acts at the international plane
or within the domestic jurisdiction. The Supreme Court held in Reid v.
Covert [ILR 24 (1957) p. 549]
'held the provisions of certain treaties unconstitutional' (Oppenheim
p. 77 fn. In Reid 354
U.S. 1 (1957) Justice Black had observed:
"There is nothing in this language which intimates that treaties do not have
to comply with the provisions of the Constitution…..."
Factors which have altered the perspective on Treaty-Making Power
The view stated in Parlement of Belge assumes that Treaties do not
affect the people as they do not have an impact on the domestic affairs. In
fact, till the commencement of the World War I the general belief was that international
affairs were wholly for the payers at the international levels to bother about.
Where these affected people's interests, Parliamentary approval was mandatory.
But now things have changed: rather the Treaties affect our Rights and Interest
radically and deeply. To illustrate;
(i). The Uruguay Round Final Act is not a self-executing Treaty: YET it many
of the commitments under this WTO Treaty are being given effect "through administrative
procedures and where necessary, legislation." Justice Cooke remarked in
the New Zealand Court of Appeal in Tavita v. Minister of Immigration
that "a law [is] undergoing evolution". The view that mere negotiation
and ratification of a Treaty can never affect the rights and interests of subjects/citizens.
This view was examined in detail by the High Court of Australia in Minister
of State for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Ah Hin Teoh(1995) 183
CLR 273, [1995] HCA 20
[coram: Mason CJ, Deane,
& McHugh
JJ. ] . Per majority the Court held that ratification of an international
convention can be a basis for the existence of a LEGITIMATE EXPECTATION.
Ratification of a Treaty is not a mere grandstanding on the international stage.
It does have effects on the rights/interests and legitimate expectations of
the citizens. It was suggested "that the ratification by the Executive Government
of a treaty, not incorporated by Parliament into domestic law, could give rise
to a legitimate expectation that administrators would take the treaty's provisions
into account in exercising their powers…"
.. We already see in our country how the agenda under the WTO Agreement
and all other agreements coming within its umbrella are being implemented by
our Executive. In W.B. v. Keshoram Industries AIR 2005 SC 1646
at p. 1759 the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court quoted Vishaka
and others [ (1997) 6 SCCC241 ] wherein a reference to Minister
for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v, Teoh (128 Aus. LR 353 had been
made with approval:
"It is now an accepted rule of judicial construction that regard must be had
to international conventions and norms for construing domestic law when there
is no inconsistency between them and there is a vod in domestic law, The High
Court of Australia in Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v, Teoh
(128 Aus. LR 353) has recognized the concept of legitimate expectation of
its observance in the absence of a contrary legislative provision, even in the
absence of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution of Australia."
The said doctrine of legitimate expectation is receiving now a very widened
meaning from our courts.
(ii). The Report of the Peoples' Commission on GATT (by V R
Krisna Iyer, O Chinappa Reddy, D A Desai, and Rajinder Sachar p. 143 ) considered
in detail of the nature of obligations causing serious concern for the people
on account of mere formation of a Treaty at the international plane:
"While it is arguable that since treaties do not give rise to enforceable
obligations within the Indian legal system, there is no room for judicial interference
until legislation is passed; and , further-flowing from this argument ----since
Parliament will assess the situation when enacting implementing statutes, there
is no scope for the judiciary to intervene. This argument proceeds on the fallacious
assumption that treaties do not pose a danger to the constitutional system and
fundamental rights until they are given shape in the form of legislation. Treaties
are solemn obligations. Within their own legal contexts ---and the domain of
international law ---they are legal and binding on the Union of India and States.
They cannot be resiled from , even if legislation implementing them is not passed.
The consequences of treaty violation are in the realm of international law.
Particular treaties may contain vigorous forms of enforcement. They may prove
to be self fulfilling (even though they are not self executing and applicable
in the domestic legal system). Treaty violations may bring reparations and trade
distortions. In this day and age where the international order is increasingly
regulated by multi-lateral treaties, there is little protection from the falsely
comforting that that realities do not pose a threat since Parliament has to
pass implementing legislation to make the treaty enforceable within the Indian
legal system."
Under the neo-liberal paradigm established under the global economic architecture
through the WTO and others there has been an enormous intrusion in the domestic
field through the executive/administrative decisions affecting not only our
polity but all the segments of economy and social management. The points bearing
out the intrusions of this sort are set forth in the Grounds against the WTO
Treaty. It is a matter of great concern that the Executive has subjected our
nation to international obligations by compromising with the jurisdiction of
our Supreme Court. The Articles III and XVI virtually subjugate our Superior
Courts to the WTO.
Article III, Paragraph 3. The WTO shall administer
the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
(hereafter referred to as the "Dispute Settlement Understanding" or "DSU") in
Annex 2 to this Agreement.
Article XVI, Paragraph 4. Each Member shall ensure the conformity
of its laws, regulations and administrative procedures with its obligations
as provided in the annexed Agreements."
The Executive's subservience has now gone to the extent that our Parliament
succumbs to the fait accompli brought about by ratification of a Treaty
leaving Parliament a mere pathetic institution which may weep or cry but, in
the end, must comply. To illustrate: let us see how helpless our Parliament
felt when the Patents (Second Amendment Bill) was under consideration. Whilst
Pranab Mukherjee excused the unequal treaty as it was begotten in an unequal
world, Manoj Bhattacharya expressed the cry of his heart with an iron in his
soul in Rajya Sabha.
"One thing transpired, that there is an element of helplessness; they are
trying to plead that we are in a helpless condition, that we cannot do it because
we are already a member of the WTO, we are already committed we are already
in the trap; and so we cannot come out of that trap, and for that only we have
to effect these changes to the already existing very, very good and very, very
progressive Indian Patents Law of 1970".
(v) Our executive may through its commitments at the international plane, give
rise to international customary law on a particular point; or may make our country
party to a treaty having domestic or extra-domestic impact. It is possible to
create situations wherefrom this country can never free itself. The Executive
can, through the mere fact of the formation of a Treaty at the international
plane, create obligations under International Law the breach whereof can visit
us with consequences in many ways including these:
(a) Claim for reparation and damage for the breach of such obligations;
(b) Dragging our Government to litigation at the international plane through
arbitration, or enforcement by the prescribed body like the Disputes Settlement
Body under the WTO regime;
(c ) By filing case at the international law a Case for providing protection
to one's domestic corporations or residents by invoking the international law
of Nationality (as once done was done in the The Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein
v. Guatemala) ( April 6, 1955, 1955 I.C.J. 4): thus exposing the nation
to actions through the enforcement power of the Security Council which may,
perish the thought, lead to sending cruise missile to punish the derelict State..
(vi) Through the terms of a Treaty the Executive can encroach on any field
of legislation making it impossible for Parliament to take its initiative even
if it ever decides to do this, as that particular legislative field might stand
previously occupied by the terms of a Treaty.. Our Parliament can be coerced
to enact law to implement the Treaty Obligations. This is what had happened
whilst bringing about Amendments in the Patents Act [Amendments (in 1999, 2002,
2005, 2006 ] which were were necessitated by India's obligations under TRIPS under the WTO
regime. It is strange that in enacting some major laws, our Government showed
studied forgetfulness of the Preamble to the Constitution, the Fundamental Rights,
Directive Principles of State Policy, and evident compliance with the mandate
of the the Uruguay Round Final Act. To illustrate: the Protection of Plant Varieties
& Farmers' Rights Act, 2001 states in its Preamble:
"……And whereas India, having ratified the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights should interalia make provision for giving effect
to sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 3 of article 27 in Part II of the said Agreement
relating to protection of plant varieties;"
The new unconstitutional trends are evident in many areas which have been
explained by the People's Commission in their Report of the Peoples' Commission
on GATT already referred. The measure of the servitude to which our Executive
has subjected this country, which we call with pride the Sovereign Socialist
Democratic Republic, is illustrated by numerous acts effected through treaties,
to mention one most dominant right now in our national consciousness. The terms
of reference to the Mashelkar Committee on the Patents (Amendment) Bill,
2005, was to "make Patents Act compatible with India's international obligations,
particularly ."
The WTO Treaty is sui generis. It is an Agreement to go on Agreeing in
future to so many ever new Agreements.. This WTO Treaty is a pactum de contrahendo
. This Treaty was not a conventional consensual engagement.. It
involved an undertaking to negotiate or conclude a set of pre-fabricated agreements.
The signing of this Final Act was a most important event of modern times. When
a Treaty is done in the protocol of pactum de contrahendo, the contracting
Parties agree to carry on negotiations to achieve arguments as conceived in
a treaty. To hope that we would stand erect at the later stages of the negotiations
would be hoping against hope knowing how our Executive cringed at Marrakesh,
and how much ready it is to further the interests of those who have hardly any
commitment to our Constitution. So our nation was bound hands and feet, like
Dr. Faustus to Mephistopheles portrayed by Thomas Marlowe in the Tragedy
of Dr. Faustus.
(viii). No treaty was ever done in the past having as wide and as long-lasting
an impact in the domestic jurisdiction as the ratification of the Uruguay Round
Final Act. The U.S. adopted it, with several reservations, though an Act of
the Congress. The U.S. rightly thinks that a treaty usurping the legislature's
power over trade and commerce must be ratified by an Act, and only then to be
adopted by the President. Like other recent trade agreements, including NAFTA,
the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement, the United States-Israel Free
Trade Agreement and the Tokyo Round Agreement, the Uruguay Round Agreements
was constitutionally executed by the President and approved and implemented
by Act of Congress [ vide the Opinion of Walter Dellinger (Asst.
A.-G. ) to the U.S Government.
(ix) The obligations under there formed Treaty can be executively implemented
under opaque system through the existing legal provisions. Two illustrations
are mentioned:
(a) The Double Taxation Avoidance Conventions, done under Section 90 of the
Income tax Act, provide certain remedies through the MAP provisions. But under
the WTO regime, the foreigners or the non-residents have been given, an additional
and supervening remedy, to avail of the provisions under Article XIV and Article
XXII of the Geeneral Agreement on Trade in Services which provide remedies
at the foreign fora.
(b). Article III of the WTO Agreement wants the WTO and its other organs to
" cooperate, as appropriate, with the International Monetary Fund and with the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its affiliated agencies."
This neo-liberal agenda is being promoted throght the provisions of the Land
Acquisition Act 1894. which authorizes our Government to acquire land for public
Joanna Harrington, in his paper on 'The Role of Parliaments in Treaty-Making'
summarizes the ways in which Treaties affect public interest even when
they are yet to be implemented: to quote—
"With respect to Westminster-style democracies, the analysis with the now
trite statement that, at common law, a treaty does not automatically have domestic
legal effect and thus Parliament , in theory, retains its role as the body with
primary responsibility for law-making by enacting legislation to give a treaty
domestic effect. But law-making by treaty does not always require the enactment
of legislation, particularly if the treaty obligation can be implied within
or carried out through the pre-existing law., and thus Parliament may not always
have a role. Moreover, once ratified, treaties are clearly binding under international
law and their legal character puts pressure on a state's domestic institutions
to ensure compliance, as evidenced by the long-standing rule of statutory interpretation
that presume conformity with international law, at least where an ambiguity
can be found. Further evidence of the domestic effect of treaties can be seen
in the courts in the form of judicial modification to the doctrine of legitimate
expectation in Australia,
new rules on statutory interpretation in New Zealand
and new uses for the values of unimplemented treaties in Canada."
(viii) Other instances of the culpable intrusion in our sovereign space
(a) Wrongful Change in Primary Governmental Functions
(b) Violates our Fundamental Rights
(c ) Wrongful Assignment of the Legislative Power of Parliament
(d) Wrongful Assignment of the Judicial Power
(e) Our Constitution wrongfully Amended.
(f) Judicially Pronounced Principles of Constitutional Governance Breached
The Strategy of the Conspirators in this Globalised World
[International Law vs. our Constitutional Law]
Georg Schwarzenberger in A Manual of International Law (5th
ed.pp. 46-47) formulates certain core propositions to show how the so-called
International Lawyers have tried to subjugate the democratic constitutions.
He has prefaced his exposition with a remarkable observation which deserves
to be borne in mind. He says:
"The doctrine of the supremacy of international law over municipal law appeals
to the amour proper of international lawyers and has its attractions
de lege ferenda. In lex lata, it corresponds to reality on the
-always consensual -level of international institutions, in particular
international courts and tribunals."
'Amour proper' means "Respect for oneself" which easily turns into egoistically
pursuit to aggrandize power and status. Schwarnenberger states.
On scanning the trends of times we can say: men always need some idiotic fiction
in the name of which they can face one another. Once it was religion, then it
was the States, and now the Market. This has led to a situation well captured
in the following lines from Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival (p. 13):
'The whole frame-work of international law is just "hot air", legal scholar
Michael Glennon writes: 'The grand attempt to subject the rule of force to the
rule of law" should be deposited in the ashcan of history -a convenient
stance for the one state able to adopt the new non-rules for its purposes, since
it spends almost as much as the rest of the world combined on means of violence
and is forging new and dangerous paths in developing means of destruction, over
near-unanimous world opposition'"
Condolezza Rice , explained the U S indifference to the ICJ decision in Nicargua
case: " international court jurisdiction has "proven inappropriatefor the United
But it is for our Superior Courts to establish the relationship inter se
International Law and our Constitution.
(a) The Jurisprudence of 'interests'
After examining the WTO Treaty and the other Agreements under its umbrella,
V R Krisna Iyer, O Chinappa Reddy, D A Desai, (all the former Hon'ble Judges
of the Supreme Court); and Rajinder Sachar (the then Hon'ble Chief Justice of
Delhi High Court, have thus summarized the law in their Peoples' Commission
Report on GATT : [ p. 141 ]:
"The Supreme Court has therefore taken the view that where it is asked to
determine the nature, scope and power of the Executive under a provision of
the Constitution, it was irrelevant that the nature of the Executive's decision
was wrapped up in the political thicket. The Supreme Court in S. R. Bommai
(1994) 3 SCC at pp. 200-201, observed:
Roscoe Pound classifies 'Interests' under three main heads: individual,
public and social. His broad analysis, as set out by Paton in A Text Book
of Jurisprudence, can be schematically presented thus:
Social interests
- The efficient working of the legal order.
- National security.
- The economic prosperity of society.
- The protection of religious, moral, humanitarian, and intellectual
- Health and racial integrity.
Private interests
- Personal Interests.
- Family Interests.
- Economic Interests.
- Political Interests.
Paton points out, at p. 128 of his book, that:
"The correct view is that logically no exact division can be drawn at all
between social and private interests." "Political Rights" are treated as
a species of Private Interests.
The distinction between Public law and Private law is vanishing fast.
He explains how the Private Interests subsume one's Political Interests.
He says (at p. 159):
"Participation in government is an essential personal right, according to
our modern democratic theory. It was Locke's merit to stress that the ruler
was under a trust to regard the welfare of his subjects. It is not enough, however,
to emphasize that the State exists for the benefit of men and not men for the
glory of the State. A doctrine of the philosopher king may easily lead to despotism,
however benevolent it may be. The dignity of human personality demands that
the individual takes part in the selection of the fundamental policies which
are to guide the welfare of the State."
Julius Stone in his Legal System and Lawyers' Reasonings examines
what is said to differentiate between Private and Public Law: to quote—
"Along with many modern thinkers , Kelson rejects the argument, of Roman origin,
that public and private law pertain to different kinds of interests. He points
out that if there were no public interest in individual contractual relations,
society would not take the troule either to enforce or regulate them. So, too,
with other branches of so-called private law. Conversely, "public law" is seen
in the ultimate analysis to be concerned with interests of inviduals in indistinguishable
in kind from those protected by "private law".
The artificiality of such distinction clearly emerges from the study of many
of the British decisions. [vide The All England Report Review 1983
If through the terms of the WTO Treaty a segment of the legislative powers
are shed off to be exercised by or under the direction of the WTO or other external
body, our Parliament stands pro tanto impaired. We never elect our members
of Parliament to outsource their essential legislative powers this way. We do
not exercise our rights to vote those who would rubber stamp a foreign agenda
(as our Parliament has done in implementing the TRIPS obligations). We cannot
tolerate this trespasses on our democratic rights by allowing the executive
to occupy legislative fields through the Treaty-making power. It is the subversion
of our polity that fait accompli is posed before our Parliament that
it had no option other than to approve such situations. The threat of actions
under the International Responsibility can be used to make the members of Parliament
virtually a herd of sheep. We also materially suffer if our Judiciary is deprived
of its powers in a particular segment by transference of this power to foreign
for a for adjudication. All the great words said about the Rule of Law and the
Basic Structure of Constitution would become futile, if such things are allowed
to happen.
Nothing should turn on the analytical differentia inter se public or private
law, and the public and private rights. If do not respect the Basic Features
of our Constitution, evern our Fundamental Rights get affected. After a close
analysis of the organic character of our Constitution and the protocol for the
exercise of powers H. M. Seervai observes :
"The discussion in paras 30.60 and 30.61 above and in this para has show that
the objectives of our Constitution as embodied in provisions of our Constitution
are integrally connected and any fundamental change in one part would involve
far-reaching changes in several other parts."
Towards the end of his exposition Seervai articulates
a set of proposition which include the following:
"Justice, social, economic and political is provided for not only in Part
IV (Directive Principles) but also in Part III (Fundamental Rights)."
Juridical Analysis of Rights and Interests under the interstices of the
Part III and Part IV of our Constitution.
As forming part of the basic structure in our Constitution, the fundamental
rights are under express symbiotic relationship with other basic features:
viz. in Kesavananda's Case (AIR 1973 SC1461, also S. R. Bommai v.
Union of India AIR 1994 SC 1918 ) the Hon'ble Supreme Court determined certain
features of our Constitution constituting basic structure: these are—
(1) Supremacy of the Constitution;
(2) Republican and Democratic form of Government;
(3) Secular character of the Constitution.
(4) Separation of powers between the legislature the executive and the judiciary
(5) Federal character of the Constitution.
The symbiosis between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles
have been often stressed by the Supreme Court. "The thrust of Article 14
is that the citizen is entitled to equality before law and equal protection
of laws. In the very nature of things the society being composed of unequals
a welfare State will have to strive by both executive and legislative
action to help the less fortunate in society to ameliorate their condition so
that the social and economic inequality in the society may be bridged."
"The broad egalitarian principle of social and economic justice for all
was implicit in every Directive Principle and, therefore, a law designed to
promote a Directive Principle, even if it come into conflict with the formalistic
and doctrinaire view of equality before the law, would certainly advance the
broader egalitarian principle and the desirable constitutional goal of social
and economic justice for all. "The Constitution envisages the establishment
of a welfare state at the federal level as well as at the State level."
In Kesavananda's Case (AIR 1973 SC1461 at 1641) , Hegde and Mukherjea
JJ. Observed:
"The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles constitute the "conscience
of the Constitution…". There is no antithesis between the Fundamental Rights
and Directive Principles ….and one supplements the other."
Noting the nature of the Directive Principles, in his Rau Lectures,
Hegde J had said:
"….a mandate of the Constitution, though not enforceable by courts is none
the less binding on all organs of the State. If the State ignoresthese mandates,
it ignores the Constitution."
´….the view that the principles were not bindingif they were not enforcable
by law, originated with John Austin, and Kelson propounded a similar view. However,
Prof. Goodhart and Roscoe Pound took a different view. According to them, those
who are entrusted with certain duties will fulfill them in good faith and according
to the expectations of the community."
Widening of the 'Justiciability of interests' through the judicially approved
doctrine of 'legitimate expectation'.
. The decision of the House of Lords in CCSU v. Minister of Civil Services
[1984] 3 All ER 935 has been relied with approval by our Supreme Court in a
lot of cases [including S.R. Bommai v. UoI (1994) 3 SCC 1, pr. 373]..
In this case the ambit of judicial control was determined by Lord Diplock in
that decision. Commenting on this decision Keith Davis comments in The All
England Report Review 1984 (at p. 5) with reference to the aforesaid observation
of Lord Diplock:
"Of the two classes, (a) seems simpler and presumably includes official decisions
affecting private property but (b) embraces most of the difficult cases. ….In
effect the 'legitimate expectation' is that official powers shall not be used
arbitrarily: it is ultra vires to do so.But this merely gives rise to the possibility
of seeking judicial review; whether a remedy is given or withheld is a matter
of judicial discretion. In the GCHQ case there was a 'legitimate expectation'
that accepted practice of trade union consultation should be adhered to; but
'national security' prevented the issue in dispute from being 'justiciable'
A miscomprehension which must be removed.
That the simplistic view, adopted by many under the influence of the British
constitutional practice, is that a Treaty is not a matter of domestic concern
unless it affects:
(a) the law of the land, and
(b) the vested rights protected under the law.
These issues are to be considered under the parameters of the Constitution
of India:
The Executive power, under our Constitution, is co-terminus with the powers
of Parliament; but at any given point of time the ambit of the Executive power
is wider than the legislative field occupied by the Parliamentary enactments.
But the Executive power, too, must be exercised not de hors the constitutional
provisions. No Treaty can authorize, even in the realm of the exercise of the
Executive power, to ride roughshod over our Constitution's commitments to the
nation. Our Supreme Court has perceptively observed that in most matters the
exercise of the Executive power "are not far removed from legislation"
. Hence the exercise of the executive power cannot avoid total subservience
to the constitutional limitations.
(ii) . The Report of the Peoples' Commission on GATT ( by V.R. Krishna
Iyer, O. Chinnappa Reddy, D.A. Desai and Rajinder Sachar, the former Judges)
has rightly summarized the correct constitutional principle when it said
"The Constitution makers intended the government to be possessed of an executive
power which is wider than the narrower duty to give effect to legislation (see
Ram Jawawayya Kapur v. UoI AIR 1955 sc 549). But in exercise of this
wider power, the rights of citizens cannot be taken away without specific legislative
sanction and authority (Bijoe Emmanuel AIR 1987 SC 788).This rule is
fundamental and a necessary adjunct to the recognition of a wide executive power.
Equally, in normal circumstances, it is somewhat sanguinely assumed that all
exercise of the executives power would be consistent in a manner consistent
with the principles of the basic structure of the Constitution. But, normal
times tread unwarily into abnormality. That is why the touchstone of the basic
structure has been inducted to discipline the exercise of even those special
exercises of sovereign power such as the imposition of President's Rule and
the like (see S.R. Bommai (1994) 3 SCC 1; …. The older view that the
exercises of executive power are immune from judicial review has now correctly
been abandoned (see Central for Civil Services Union v. Minister of Civil
Service (1984) 3 All ER 935).
Under the imperative agenda to promote the vested interests of the Market, under
the direct and camouflaged directives of the trinity of the present-day global
architecture (the IMF-World Bank-WTO), the Executive has forgotten the constitutionally
mandated land reforms which could have ensured means of livelihood for the common
Indians. The strategy of the Executive Government, in its most sinister form,
is evident in 'agriculture'. Now under their mandate agriculture is being corporatized,
agri-business under the corporate imperium is being promoted in most
ruthless manner, seed sovereignty is gone, water is fast ceasing to be a human
right, starvation deaths of the poor farmer have ceased to be of concern to
the de luxe India of high net worth creatures with their heart abroad.
(iv). We need this Constitution as an impregnable dyke against their anti-people
act. This was the reason why the Case of the Five Knights was rejected
by the framers of the U.S Constitution .The Executive cannot bid farewell to
the Welfare State. The reality which is being generated under the directives
of the aforesaid trinity has been portrayed in a modern allegory:
"The Cloud Minders, episode 74 of the popular science fiction television series
Star Trk, took place on the planet Ardan. First aired on Feb. 28, 1969,
it depicted a planet whose rulers devoted their lives to the arts in a beautiful
and peaceful city, Stratos, suspended high above the panet's desolate surface.
Down below, the inhabitants of the planet's surface, the Troglytes, worked in
misery and violence in the planet's mines to earn the interplanetary exchange
credits used to import from other planets the luxuries the rulers enjoyed on
Illustrating F W Maitland's view that " the only direct utility
of legal history … lies in the lesson that each generation has an enormous power
of shaping its own law" this pragmatic and functional approaches in the recent
years in the U.K reveal themselves:
(a) in recognizing the federal principle evolved now in the British
polity; and
(b) in the adoption to remove the 'democratic deficit' in the Treaty-Making
The U.K. has now adopted a quasi-federal structure. Joanna Harrington
perceptively points out:
(a). "Like Canada, the UK has embraced the rule, long adopted by the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council in the Labour Conventions case, that while
the national authority retains the power to make treaties, the power to implement
treaties splits according to the division of powers between the national and
regional authorities, such that treaties that fall within a provincial area
of responsibility must be implemented by the enactment of provincial legislation.
But the UK has also gone a step further than Canada in developing structures
to address the "federalism deficit" that results from the lack of any obligation
on the part of the national authority to consult with the provincial or regional
body prior to making a treaty which may impact on areas of provincial or regional
(b ) "…..the spirit of devolution has led to a change in the UK's treaty-making
practice so as to provide for the involvement of the regional bodies where a
treaty action might have implications for devolved areas of responsibility -
a change that builds on the practice of consultation already in place with respect
to any treaty making affecting the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or the
Overseas Territories.."
(d) Joanna Harrington observes
"….In evaluating our current treaty-making process, it must not be
forgotten that treaties are law—often permanent law—and as such,
the law makers, be they ministers or officials, should be accountable to Parliament
and the public that it serves…………
A final impetus for securing a greater role for the elected legislature in
the making of treaties comes from the domestic courts. No longer is it "elementary",
to use the words of Lord Denning, "that these courts take no notice of treaties
as such ... until they are embodied in laws enacted by Parliament, and then
only to the extent that Parliament tells us." Our common law courts are increasingly
finding ways to give unincorporated treaties domestic legal significance, if
not domestic effect, and for this reason too, I support a greater role for Parliament,
whether federal, state, provincial or devolved, in the making of treaties. The
resulting public record of Parliament's involvement prior to ratification could
serve to either counterbalance the activism of the courts when Parliament is
against giving domestic effect to a treaty, or bolster the decisions of the
courts by providing evidence of Parliament's support for a treaty's provisions.
In any event, a parliamentary role in treaty making is necessary to avoid engaging
the nation in long standing legal commitments without public scrutiny and debate."
(e) How to remove the "democratic deficit" in the Treaty-Making process
is considered crying for immediate remedy, and great steps have already been
taken, and many more are being taken. In Britain, right from the days of the
World War I, public agitation remained afoot for parliamentary sanction of treaties.
Much headway was made in the matter with the framing of the Ponsonby Rule
(1924) for placing treaties before Parliament for 21 sitting days. A Private
Member Bill to 'subject treaty-making power' to the British Parliament's control
led, since 1997, to set up a practice to provide detailed explanatory memorandum
with the text of treaties placed before Parliament. The government is conceding
the popular demand inch by inch. Now a Public Bill is before the U.K. Parliament:
the U.K. draft Constitutional Renewal Bill [for text seehttp://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200708/jtselect/jtconren/166/166.pd].
The fundamental changes which the British people intend to bring about the Procedure
of the U.K.'s Treaty-making practice are manifest from the provisions of the
Constitutional Reform Bill [HL]2008-09,
and Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill2008-09.
Azadi Bachao seems to be harbouring certain illusions though not clealy
stated but impliedly assumed. There is no 'democratic deficit' or lack of Parliamentary
control in view of:
Cabinet accountability to Parliament, and
The mandatory requirement of parliamentary approval implicit in adoption
of legislation enabling implementation of a treaty.
Both the so-called justifications are theoretical and unjustified. The reasons
for thinking this way have been thus set forth by Prof Mani."
: (i) "But Cabinet accountability comes into play only after the country has
been bound by the treaty obligations. The government of the day could lose the
confidence of Parliament but a change of government does not per se terminate
or alter the international obligations undertaken by the outgoing regime. The
termination or alteration, if not provided by the treaty, will have to be renegotiated
and every renegotiation, if at all possible, will have its own special costs
(political, economic or other) built into it. In the meantime, the country is
expected to comply with the treaty obligations."
(ii) "The justification based on enabling legislation equally begs the question.
The issue of enabling legislation arises only after the government has committed
the country to a treaty, and Parliament is faced with a fait accompli. Even
if Parliament refuses to pass the enabling legislation, it will have no effect
on India's international responsibility to comply with the obligations already
undertaken. Indeed, failure to enact the enabling legislation could in appropriate
cases amount to a violation of the treaty. Thus, faced with a piece of enabling
legislation, Parliament will have little or no decisive role in preventing the
country complying with a treaty which it does not approve."
Lord Denning observed in Laker Airways Ltd v. Department of Trade
"The prerogative is a discretionary power exercisable by the executive government
for the public good, in certain spheres of governmental activity for which the
law has made no provision, such as the war prerogative (of requisitioning property
for the defence of the realm), or the treaty prerogative ( of making treaties
with foreign powers). The law does not interfere with the proper exercise of
the discretion by the executive in those situations; but it can set limits by
defining the bounds of the activity; and it can intervene if the discretion
is exercised improperly or mistakenly."
O. Hood Phillips' Constitutional and Administrative Law 7th
ed 371
AIR 1937 PC 82
AIR 1969 SC 783 (para 30 & 81)
A.G. of Israel v. Kamiar ILR 44
AIR 1964 SC 1043
Gujrat v. Vora Fiddali (1964) AIR, SC 1043
[1931] All ER Rep 666 H L
O. Hood Phillips' Constitutional and Administrative Law 7th
ed 371
In the North Se Continental Shelf Case ICJ 1969, 3 at 222.
J.G Starke's Introduction to International Law, 10th ed. P.
"And since the states severally never possessed international powers, such
powrs could not have been carved out from the mass of state powers but were
transmitted to the U.S. from some other source. During the colonial period ,
those powers were possessed exclusively by and were entirely under the control
of the Crown. ……."
'Although a Status of Forces Agreement may give the sending state a right
to exercise jurisdiction the law of that state may not permit it to exercise
that right. The conclusion was reached by the U S Supreme Court in relation
to the scope of the jurisdiction of US courts martial, which were on constitutional
grounds held not to have jurisdiction in peacetime over civilian dependents
or employees accompanying members of US forces abroad. (vide Oppenheim
p. 1160 fn. 24)
[1994] 2 NZLR 257 at 260 and 270
The Court observed:
"It follows that while Australia's ratification of [a] Convention does
not go so far as to incorporate it into domestic law, it does have consequences
for agencies of the executive government of the Commonwealth. It results in
an expectation that those making administrative decisions in actions concerning
children will take into account as a primary consideration the best interests
of the children and that, if they intend not to do so, they will give the persons
affected an opportunity to argue against such a course. ... The point is not
that the delegate was obliged by the Convention to do so but that, had she done
so, she might have been in a better position to meet the legitimate expectation
to which the Convention gave rise."
D.P.O'conell , International Law Vol 1 Chap 7
The Fluid State. ed. George Williams & Hilary Charlesworth ,
p.36 [http://books.google.com]
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v. Teoh (1995)183 CLR
Tavita v. Minister of Immigration [1994] 2 NZLR 257 suggesting that
ratified but unincorporated treaty obligations are mandatory relevant considerations
in statutory interpretation. Subsequent cases, however, suggesta less enthusiastic
approach: see Puli'uvea v. Removal Review Authority (1996) 2 HRNZ 510
Markus KRAJEWSKI explains how the DSB of the WTO impacts on our domestic
law and institutions [Democratic Legitimacy and Constitutional Perspectives
of WTO Law' Journal of World Trade 35(1): 167-186, 2001.©
2001 Kluwer Law International. Printed in The Netherlands]
:"This leads to the conclusion that WTO law and its application through the
dispute settlement mechanism can have a similar impact on national law as EU
law and its application through the European Court of Justice. Even if WTO law
lacks the fundamental elements of supranational law, i.e. superiority and direct
effect, it is functionally equivalent to supranational law. In political
terms, WTO law-making emerges as a further layer of governance just like EU
law-making arose as a second (and in federal systems a third) layer of governance
in the EU member countries during the last
decades. Functional supranationality of WTO law and characterization as a further
layer of governance requires WTO legitimacy to be questioned, not only from
an international, but also from a national perspective. Questions about WTO
legitimacy and about the EU are therefore similar, even if there are major differences
between the two systems.20 If governance is shifting in the process of globalization
from national to supranational levels, supranational governance must meet the
standards of legitimacy according to national constitutional principles. Most
importantly, supranational governance must meet the principle of democratic
decision-making which is the most important one. There seems to be a growing
understanding worldwide that a legitimate government must be based on democratic
values. Some even argue that an international human right on democratic governance
is emerging.21 If this is the case, WTO law needs to meet standards of democratic
decision-making, not only from the national perspective but also from the perspective
of international law."
Sol Picciotto, in his 'The WTO's AppellateBody: Legal formalism
as a legitimation
of Global Governance' discussed the profound impact of the DSB on the domestic
segment in these words of sound perspicacity:
"The creation of the Appellate Body (AB) of the WTO entails an unprecedented
delegation of power to an international adjudicator, since the WTO requires
states to ensure compliance of their domestic regulations with the sweeping
obligations in WTO agreements. This is legitimized in some academic analysis
and much political rhetoric in terms of the rule of law, suggesting that the
role of the adjudicator is merely to apply the precise words of the texts agreed
by states, according to their natural meaning….."
Paton at p. 292 of his Jurisprudence: "The normal divisions of public
law are constitutional and administrative law. Constitutional law deals with
the ultimate questions of the distribution of legal power and of the functions
of the organs of the State. In a wide sense, it includes administrative law,
but it is convenient to consider as a unit for many purposes the rules which
determine the organization, powers, and duties of administrative authorities.
Criminal law, the infliction of punishment directly by the organs of the State,
is also usually regarded as falling under the head of public law. Some would
say that civil procedure should also be placed in this section, since these
rules regulate the activities of courts which are mere agencies of the State;
but civil procedure is so linked with the enforcement of private rights that
it is more convenient to regard it as belonging both to public and private law.
One of the most marked features of the present age is the growing importance
of public law. Today one of the first points to be examined in any commercial
enterprise is the incidence of taxation on various methods of controlling the
industry. In a factory we must consider collective agreements as to wages, regulations
as to lighting and safety precautions—there may even be an appeal to an
industrial board against a dismissal by the master. Price control may affect
the market. 'It is today impossible and misleading to study the functioning
of the property norm in isolation from public law.' [G. Kahn-Freund, K. Renner's
The Institutions of Private Law , 38]
D. S. Nakara v. Union of India AIR 1983 SC 130
Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity v. W.B. AIR 1996 SC 2426
Hegde, Directive Principles in the Constitution of India ('the Rau
Lectures') p. 49
Hegde, Directive Principles in the Constitution of India ('the Rau
Lectures') p. 49-50
Jayantilal Amritlal v. F.N. Rana AIR 1964 SC 648
At p. 140 of the Report
"Redressing the Democratic Deficit in Treaty Law Making: (Re-)Establishing
a Role for Parliament" http://lawjournal.mcgill.ca/documents/1225244248_Harrington.pdf
Its Summary runs: To repeal the European Communities Act 1972 and the Human
Rights Act 1998; to introduce binding referendum powers at national and local
level; to require the approval of Parliament to enter into international treaties
and to declare war; to make provision about the work of Parliament; to devolve
legislative responsibility for certain policy areas to local authorities; and
for connected purposes.
Its Summary runs [Jack Straw, Ministry of Justice]: A Bill to make provision
relating to the civil service of the State; to make provision relating to the
ratification of treaties; to amend section 2 of the House of Lords Act 1999
and make provision relating to the removal, suspension and resignation of members
of the House of Lords; to repeal sections 132 to 138 of the Serious Organised
Crime and Police Act 2005 and to amend Part 2 of the Public Order Act 1986;
to make provision relating to time limits for human rights claims against devolved
administrations; to make provision relating to judges and similar office holders;
to make provision relating to the Comptroller and Auditor General and to establish
a body corporate called the National Audit Office; to amend the Government Resources
and Accounts Act 2000 and to make corresponding provision in relation to Wales.
[ http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2008-09/constitutionalreformandgovernance.html]
'Meeting treaty obligations' By V. S. Mani [http://www.hinduonnet.com/2000/08/28/stories/05282524.htm]