- My Parlour: Current Legal Problems
"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly. "Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy"
Mary Howitt (1799-1888)
I have nothing to offer except a potpourri of hurriedly scribbled ideas in the unrevised text of some of my essays touching current legal problems. All the papers you will find littered in this old man's parlour have been written in shifting moods crisscrossed by hope and dismay, pain and pleasure. All these I have typed on my laptop stroking the keyboard with one finger, with God alone my assistant and guide in the whole endeavour that is just my labour of love.
I recall those moments of the dim past when my teachers (my father was one of them) had advised me not to be in the quest of 'perfection', whether in ideas or expressions, as in this 'imperfect' world such a quest merely drains energy without much reward. . I hold, when all is said, myself under eternal debt to them. My circumstances, about which I need not say, do not permit me to cast my look again on what my 'Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on' (to say in the suggestive words of Omar Khayyám as translated by by Edward Fitzgerald).
Dear readers, I would love to read your response whatever that be. I would be grateful to you if you e-mail me your valued comments on my ideas and expressions, my omissions and commissions so that if ever I get a chance to look at them at leisure, I would improve them acknowledging my debt to all my benefactors.
A. A summary of the Constitutional Provisions relevant to determine the reach and ambit of India's Treaty-Making Power
B. McDowell not interpreted right in Azadi Bachao and Vodafone
C. Azadi Bachao and Vodafone, and new Corporate Liberalism of Market-Driven Globalisation : A Critique
D. Raw Realities of our time and the Agenda of Neo-Liberal Paradigm
E. Azadi Bachao is impliedly overruled: hence, it seems, not good under Article 141 of our Constitution
F. Democratic Deficit in Treaty-Making
G. Conclusion - Suggestions for declaring Valid Treaty Making Procedure