- Triplets by Shiva Kant Jha

Triplets by Shiva Kant Jha

Sl No & Date

Informative Articles

Critical Articles

Reflective Articles

Triplet - 24
Oct 02, 2009

A Clarion Call to People of Our Bharat

Some Quotes From Triplets I to XXIII

Summing-up & Goodbye

Triplet - 22
Sep 04, 2009

General Assessment of 'Direct Taxes Code Bill'

This Stratagen to bruise, batter and bargain CBDT and IRS

Raison d'être of the CBDT

Peter Pan tinkers once again with the law of the tax treaty

Triplet - 21
Aug 21, 2009

International public law and decisions of revenue authorities in domestic jurisdiction

Implications of Incorporation

Story of Two Frogs: Plight of our 'low arousal people'

Triplet - 20
Aug 7, 2009

Our Constitution defaced and fefiled under WTO Regime

WTO and Direct Taxes

An analysis of certain constitutional assumptions

Triplet - 19
Jul 24, 2009

India promotes tax haven: this honking to Hong Kong

Article 265 of Constitution: constitutional dimension of taxation

Our 'Taj Mahal Economy'

Triplet - 18
Jul 10, 2009

On Exploring unstated premisses in collective consciousness of our Constituent Assembly

Dimensions of our Constitutional socialism

Attitude towards Property

Triplet - 17
Jun 26, 2009

Understanding fraud at work: Role-model for economic fraudsters

Judicial Abhorrence to Fraud

Anatomy of Fraud

Triplet - 16
Jun 12, 2009

Frontiers of the Doctrine of Ex Debito Justitiae

Supreme Court's Curative Jurisdiction: a remedy recently devised by Court

'Reforms with human face': Manmohan's mohan raag

Triplet - 15
May 29, 2009

Supreme Court doesn't 'rule' - it does its constitutional duty

On use of a Textbook in a Judicial Proceeding

Basic Structure of Constitution: A perspective from the Ramayana

Triplet - 14
May 15, 2009

OECD on misuse of Indo-Mauritius tax haven route

Hierarchy at the Supreme Court: Problem of judicial decorum

Someone should undertake a juristic study of Valmikiya Ramayanm

Triplet - 13
May 1, 2009

International Tax Authority

Use of Dictionaries

The Economists as the decision-makers

Triplet - 12
Apr 17, 2009

This London Economic Summit: An Evaluation

Tax havens: Let the Sun shine

Crucifixion of capitalism and its resurrection

Triplet - 11
Apr 3, 2009

Switzerland: A tax haven sui generis

A corporation cannot be an impervious coverlet of gross abuse

Treaty-shopping the ratio of A Rickshaw Puller Vs A Rickshaw Puller

Triplet - 10
Mar 20, 2009

USA Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, 2009: A brain-storming session for us

Our Dismay - Misuse of Indo-Mauritius Double Taxation Convention

But Hope still survives

Triplet - 9
Mar 6, 2009

Constitutionality of 'Socialism' is questioned

Tax-Recovery actions in foreign countries

This Kaliyugi Administration of Justice

Triplet - 8
Feb 20, 2009

'The Moral Structure of Universe': Dr Martin Luther King's vision and its corollaries

The Fruits of Crimes: A Quest for Remedies

Attitudes towards taxation

Triplet - 7
Feb 6, 2009

The Roguery: Its Rewards and Remedies; Taxability of Proceeds of Crime

Treaty-making power: How to tame the Executive

The Claim for Costs in PIL Proceedings

Triplet - 6
Jan 23, 2009

CIC on RTI - Grievance of Apex Court - A quest at balancing of public interests

Public Interest Litigation in Revenue Matters

The Obama Factor in Jurisprudence

Triplet - 5
Jan 9, 2009

Understanding ratio of a Judgement

The Doha Development Round: We cannot afford playing the Game of Chess

Judicial Technique of a great Judge

Triplet - 4
Dec 26, 2008

Financial Meltdown: 'Those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind'

ITAT under judicial scanner

The Goddess of Justice

Triplet - 3
Dec 12, 2008

WTO Appellate Forum of DSB: Is it an appellate court?

Study the Phraseology - After 80- IB , let it be 80IC

With Iron in the Soul

Triplet - 2
Nov 28, 2008

The watchdog's plight: Reflections on role of CAG

The Meaning of Meaning

Musings on the Mahatma at the Supreme Court

Triplet - 1
Nov 14, 2008

The shadow of Ratan Melting on Azadi Bachao!

Mimansa Principles and our Supreme Court

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