- The Anna Movement enters decisive phase through its Response to the Challenge. My Reflections on the day he decided to cross the Rubicon, and blew his Panchajanya
The Anna Movement enters decisive phase through its Response to the Challenge. My Reflections on the day he decided to cross the Rubicon, and blew his Panchajanya
(Written at 10 p.m. on August 3, 2012, the day Anna broke his fast to embark on a great political quest)
by Shiva Kant Jha
Some years ago, the then Pope said that silence with which the
world witnessed the Hiroshima was culpable and criminal. Let
not our children ask the question, 'Where were you when mafia
rule brooded over benighted country.'
- N.A. Palkhivala
It is great that the Anna Movement has perceived its kartavy-karma by pushing, in effect, its activities from node 'B' to node 'C' on the line of fire that ascends from mere 'protest' to a 'revolution'.
1. On August 26, 2011, the 11th day of Anna's fast against 'corruption', I had, in the Chapter 22 of my Autobiographical Memoir On the Loom of Time, drawn up the ascending line of fire that illustrates how the grammar of revolution works in history. I drew this line thus:

And I put my gloss on this image with utmost brevity thus:
"Anna's movement, it seems to me, did not go higher than the point 'B' on the line. I cannot say that the Movement would have gone up on the line, if our government would have been insensitive and unresponsive. History shows that situations do come when from the node 'B' there is a leapfrogging to 'D'. But such a leapfrog takes place when the issues are momentous and widely shared, and the institution at node 'C' shows its irrelevance,"
There is a good justification for ascending to the node 'C'. I wish our nation would get full justice at 'C' itself. Anna's decision to provide a political alternative to the people of India is prudent, and pragmatic.
This Anna Movement is unique because it
will have to respond to challenges much more difficult than what Gandhi or JP had faced.
2. What I had written in my
Autobiographical Memoir, On the Loom of
Time on Anna's Movement
sometime in August 2011, seems to me apt even now: to quote two extracts---
"In my considered view Anna would experience greater odds in course
of his struggle to free our society from corruption than what Mahatma Gandhi
had experienced to free our country
from the British yoke, or what Jayaprakash Narayan had faced in the struggle
against Emergency. I cannot commit the folly of comparing Anna with Gandhi, or
J.P. But the problems they had faced were easier for many reasons. To some
extent, Anna's movement reminds us of the struggle Jesus had carried on against
the powerful Herodian establishment's 'evil or oppressive economic power', and
had worked against the unjust social and economic order of the time. The
beneficiaries of that corrupt system considered Jesus 'political' and 'social'
rebel (see Chapter 20 of this Memoir) sufficiently dangerous to
the persons in power. Anna's struggle is even more difficult. The gains of
corruption are enjoyed by the persons in power, and the corporations who cast
their spell on the way we live and think. Anna's fight against corruption seems
to me more difficult than any struggle for any public cause about which we have
read in recent history. All the beneficiaries, of 'corruption' are bound to
flock together from all the spheres to devise strategies and hone their
Mephistophelian logic, in protecting their illicit gains. They know how to
collapse their differences to promote their secret agenda. But let us see what
happens in this land of Krishna and Gandhi, Shivaji and Laxmibai. We believe
that, in the end, Dharma is always triumphant, Justice always prevails,
and Truth always wins. Our society never lost hope, and it shall never lose it
in future."
"I had witnessed, and
suffered, the Quit India Movement of 1942; I had watched, while at Patna, the
J. P. Movement against the Emergency; and now I see Anna's movement, and our
people's response to his call. In my assessment, the present movement is sui
generis. The Quit India Movement was against the British rule in India; the
J. P. Movement was against Mrs. Indira Gandhi's arbitrary rule in breach of
Constitution; but the present movement is against the operators from the Realm
of Darkness, the MNCs, the corrupt governments, bureaucrats, and corrupt
politicians, the very Axis of Evil, the very 'Root of All Evil'. What is
happening in our country is great. Whilst 'corruption' has bedevilled our
nation over all the decades after our Independence, this evil has grown so much
over the recent years that our whole society, our whole system, our whole
culture, have come to tread on the path of ruin. Our resources are mercilessly
extracted, our environment is cruelly milked, and our national identity is
being destroyed. Anna's movement, massive though it is everywhere in our
country, is wholly peaceful the like of which our history has not seen. But I
wish the wielders of public power get the wisdom to read the message that this
wide public response conveys. The whole movement is peaceful, but this lull and
peace must not be misread. I hope things do not come to such a pass when
Krishna is compelled to put aside His flute, and allow His Sudarshnachakra to
come to swirl and revolve above his finger awaiting instruction to operate as
the supreme weapon of creative destruction."
Decision to begin a new phase in the Movement with a different
strategy is both pragmatic and
3. It is good that Anna and his men have broken their fast. It is no good
to die: one must remain alive to pursue cause dear to heart. The Gandhian
technique of fasting to persuade a
recalcitrant and insensitive government does not always work. Bertrand Russell had insightfully said at p. 431 of his Autobiography:
"Certainly it has an important sphere; as against the British in India,
Gandhi led to triumph. But it depends upon the existence of certain virtues in
those against whom it is employed. …But the Nazis had no scruples in analogous
4. The breaking of fast with a
dedication to pursue the cause was the demand of the moment, and thus it is wholly right. Had Mahatma Gandhi faced
the situation that got wrought for Anna, even Gandhi would have broken his
fast. Gandhi had himself said in Young India 5.12. 1928 p. 396 that moments can come when methods other than persuasive
'fasting' may become relevant. Please note the unstated meaning, the express tone, and the implied nuance of his pregnant words: to
" ......There is no other
choice than between voluntary surrender on the part of the capitalist of the
superficialities and consequent acquisition of real happiness of all on the one
hand, and on the other the impending
chaos into which, if the capitalist does not wake up be times, awakened but
ignorant, famishing millions will plunge the country and which, not even the
armed force, that a powerful Government can bring into play, can avert." [
italics supplied]
The persons in power are accustomed to go into
5. We know that there is no
presumption that the holders of
high posts in governments are always right. But the power-wielders, with high academic distinctions and global credentials, certified by the IMF-WTO combine, believe
that they are always right as they
are cheered by the syndicate of corporations and the conclaves of culprits. How
correct was Nehru when he wrote in Glimpses of World History:
"Men in authority---kings, statesmen,
generals, and the like---are advertised and boomed up so much by the press and
otherwise that they often appear as giants of thought and action to the common
people. A kind of halo seems to surround them, and in our ignorance we
attribute to them many qualities which they are far from possessing. But on closer
acquaintance they turn out to be very ordinary persons. A famous Austrian
statesman once said that the world would be astounded if it knew with what
little intelligence it is ruled."
But all the citizens of our Republic must remember what was put so well by John Philpot Curran: "The condition upon which God hath
given liberty to man is eternal vigilance".
Our electoral process must change to promote
real democracy: Suggestions for a CHANGE
6. Now Anna's Movement has decided to adopt the mode of electoral politics. The
nature and the dominant drivers of the electoral process that we should adopt, were highlighted in
these words in my Autobiographical Memoir, On
the Loom of Time ( Chapter 22 at pp. 338-339 ): to quote---
"It is high time for
the citizenry of this Republic to think about the restructuring of our polity
to achieve the objectives of our Constitution; and to provide ways for the
eradication of corruption. I suggest for the consideration by my fellow
citizens two sets of ideas: (a) to improve the present party system; and (b) to
go in for partyless government. It is worthwhile to consider prescribing the
following as mandatory requirements:
(a) Only the persons really domiciled in a constituency be selected to
stand for election from that constituency. It would reduce election expenditure
as the people of the constituency would not require a propaganda to make people
aware of the worth of the candidates, and their views on matters of public
interest. Secondly, such candidates will always be under the electors' critical
gaze. Thirdly, such candidates would have better sense of attachment with
people amidst whom they lived. Fourthly, they would be subject to
socio-cultural pressure from the people of their areas. Fifthly, they would
hesitate in resorting to unfair means as they would be under their own men's
scanner, and they would hesitate in
amassing ill-gotten wealth as they would shudder at their humiliating plight
after being found out.
(b) The people of the constituency electing
its representatives must have 'right to recall' their representatives if they
have acquired ill reputation, or have betrayed people's trust. This procedure
underscores the fact that the 'sovereignty' lies with the people. This
procedure would not let the representatives forget the people whom they
represent. This procedure would inhibit the lobbyists of the corporate world
from trying to subvert our institutions for their unworthy ends. No foreign
powers or lobbyists would be able to get things done to their heart's content
by bribing, or persuading our
representatives through pressure and persuasion.
How the procedure to give effect to these suggestions would work should
be considered, discussed and devised so that proper balance between stability
and change is ensured. A People's Tribunal can be set up in every constituency
which can consider serious allegations of omissions or commissions by the
representatives, if made on affidavit signed by one-fourth of the voters of the
constituency. The Tribunal's decision can be overseen by an Appellate Tribunal,
presided over by at least two High Court Judges. In case the final decision is
to recall a sitting member of a legislature, the order must be given
Political Parties not a pre-condition for 'Democracy'
7. A political party is 'a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power through
election or revolution'. Political parties grew in the 19th century, both in Europe and the USA,
surely not to promote real
democracy but as a device to capture power for the protection of the interests
of the 'property holders' , a device that could deceive common people by
enmeshing them under the illusion that the parties work for everyone's welfare.
Examining the assumptions and strategies of the western 'democracy', I wrote in
the Chapter 22 ( 'Our Democratic Republic and its great
institutions ) of my book On the
Loom of Time: I quote two extracts:
"The victors of the World War fought to protect 'democracy' with
messianic zeal but they worked to promote a new brand of imperialism which
intended to control resources and economic decision-making. Noam Chomsky has
perceptively pointed out that certain great powers of our day consider that
"the need ….. for colonization is as great as it ever was in the nineteenth
century" to bring to the rest of the world the principles of order, freedom,
and justice to which "post-modern" societies are dedicated …."12 And after the
World War II, nothing has been used so dexterously to promote the agenda of the
United States and of the corporate imperium as this simple sweat word
'democracy'. Reflecting on the U.S. strategies, Chomsky rightly says:
"There is ample evidence of Wolfowitz's passion for democracy and his
concern for suffering people, as he lent strong support to some of the most
corrupt and appalling murderers, torturers, and aggressors of the late
twentieth century."
It is said that Bentham considered
the the great Declaration of the French Revolution (The Declaration of the
Rights of Man and of the Citizen) a mere nonsense on stilts, 'a
metaphysical work — the ne plus ultra of metaphysics'. To our
neoliberals, the 'democracy' and the ideals stated in the Preamble, as our
Constitution contemplates, are nonsensical. For them 'democracy' means what it
means for the USA. And what it means for the USA can be easily understood.
'Democracy' promotes the 'national interests' which means, as Chomsky says,
'the special interests of domestic sectors that are in a position to determine
policy.' Marx rightly said: 'The
state is an executive committee for managing the affairs of the governing class
as a whole'. Our Constitution is sui generis as it breaks new ground by expressessing the
'democracy' with a socialist vision. But we see that those who have worked it have betrayed our trust. The
hiatus between expectation and achievements has widened over three years.
Constitution, as originally framed, did not even notice a political party. The
existence of political parties in the UK. or in the USA is on account of
political and historical reasons. In the U.K., the toxic effect of the political
parties has been the emergence of cabinet dictatorship. In the USA, the strict
division of powers has saved the situation turning that way. In Swiss
Constitution the role of political parties is insignificant. Whilst in the
U.K., India, the USA and Japan, political parties had extra-constitutional
growth, France recognizes it under its Constitution itself but specifically
directs, under Art. 4 that it "must respect the principles of national
sovereignty and democracy". In Australia, the political parties are only of
'recent origin', and it is at the periphery of the political system. Under the
German Basic Law, the Constitution itself has imposed on the political parties
the obligations to adhere to the core constitutional ideals designed to
preserve democracy, promote people's welfare, and exclude the risk of the
emergence of a Hitler. It is also not correct that our Parliamentary form of
government cannot work without political parties. It is quite possible to run a Parliamentary government without
political parties. Jayaprakash Narayan was also of the same view.
The Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 deals with
the registration of a political party with the Election Commission. It
prescribes that the memorandum of the political party seeking registration must
"contain a specific provision that the association or body shall bear true
faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and to
the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the
sovereignty, unity and integrity of India." This allegiance to our Constitution
is under an oath prescribed under the Constitution. To show that the election
manifestoes are drawn up with sincerity, the law requires a transparent,
specific, and conscious commitment to our Constitution's goals. The election
speeches and manifestoes should not be mere 'pious waffle'. Noam Chomsky had
this in his mind when he wrote:
"Deceit is employed to undermine democracy, just as it is a natural device to undermine markets".
8. I agree that some organisation must be built to lead a movement, or to
pursue a great cause. How it is choreographed is not the matter of sovereign
concern at present. We must not carry cobwebs in our mind. Let the movement go
on. Organizations will get minted on the way we move. Pre-fabricated formats
are both morbid and sordid. If we move ahead, we shall build our cadre
structure, we shall consolidate our mass-base. Study the history of great
revolutions. Structures and strategies always emerge as responses to the
challenges. They are not minted at the IMF, or the WTO; they are not fabricated
in the Caymans Islands or the Bahamas; they are not to be made at Jantar Mantar, or the Ramlila Maidan.
If the Movement goes ahead on the path of rectitude, more and more persons
would join for the cause. We know the story which tells us: how a great man
marched for a great cause, and a cavalcade, like none else known to history,
sprung up to march with him towards
destination. And we also know how the tiny iron fragments just hurled on a
magnet get organized and patterned at the magnetic poles. It can happen in a
political movement too: persons would come from diverse fields, the same fire
burning in their heart, to find themselves integral to a structure that gets
begotten as naturally as leaves and branches come out.
9. In this context, I think it proper to record a word of caution. All
those who believe in the cause should come together. They should join hands in
the Movement's magnetic field. It would be great if the great persons working
for great cause show their wisdom by adopting the agenda of the Movement by
dedicating the structures under them to function as the veritable cadre in the
service of the Movement's cause.
They must realise that 'corruption' is the root of all evils. This is the only
source of black money. United we stand,
divided we fall.
10. The formation that would
emerge from the Anna Movement would
work on the principles of non-violence. But we must not forget that such a
formation can seek political power for common weal under a democratic republic through electoral means, if possible; through
revolutionary means, if all roads get blocked leaving no option. Our icon is
Gandhi, but so is Shivaji. We have seen Dharmachakra reign, we have also seen Sudarshanchakra at work. What is going to happen in the time to come is for the history to unfold. But the problem is
that the persons wielding power seldom learn from history. We are not the calculators of a stock-exchange; we
are neither sophisters with brief,
nor are we hirelings or harlots. Let
us not calculate the things to come as if we are accountants drawing up final accounts. Movements, or revolutions
have their unique grammar: efforts for right cause, as the Bhagavad-Gita tells us, never fails,
11. I would request our countrymen to reflect on the possibilities of
setting up a Partyless Democracy. Gandhi had appreciated it; JP had pleaded for
it; lots of materials are on the internet. A lot of thinking had taken place on
how to structure the Partyless democracy. It is time for us
reflect on them to forge our way ahead. I had studied them closely, and had evaluated what they say against it. I
appreciated this concept. I
released my 'Edict of Assertions' at the National Seminar on
treaty making power of the Government, held on 21st July, 2007 at the ASSOCHAM House, New Delhi. The Seminar
was presided over by former Chief Justice J.S Verma; the Seminar was
inaugurated by the Former Prime Minister Shri I.K.Gujral; it had many speakers
of eminence, including Shri
D. Raja, M.P.; and its Valedictory address was delivered by Dr. Murli Manohar
Joshi, M.P. You can read the text at my website: [at].
I had suggested the adoption of
'Partyless Democracy'. I only quote the Preamble of the Edict: the rest is a
set of its corollaries which you can read at the net:
"Believing that it is a human specific to draw conclusions from
what we see to what we do not see as we are convinced that we alone are our
friends or foes, and it would be an insult to our culture to beg for
trickle-down effects and to turn suppliant under a system overtaken through
corruption and greed of a few denizens of sone
ki Lanka;
Recognising that we have created and organized our polity under the
limitations of the Constitution which we gave to ourselves in exercise of our
sovereign authority which can neither be alienated nor usurped, and which
inheres in us enabling us to bring about requisite changes through persuasion,
if that be effective; through a revolution if that be needed;
Observing that the throes of painful existence of 97% of our people
inhabiting the glorious land of Bharat are being subjected to continuous
deception through strategies and stratagems made subtle and persuasive by the
Faustian logic of the intellectuals and media;
Finding that the organs of governance, set up under our Constitution,
have not given satisfactory account of themselves; and are fast subjugating
themselves to the Pax Mercatus the paeans of which are being sung day in and
day out by the beneficiaries of the greed-driven corrupt but ever waxing
Representing the interest of the suffering millions of Bharat who are
anguished to see the continuous conspiracy against their culture and tradition,
and noting with distress a headlong decline to servitude illustrating the slave
syndrome under which a slave puts on fetteres in his inertia as a matter of
morbid habit even when his destiny has set him free;
Noting that now we are at the cusp of history where we must act and act
and act deriving light and inspiration from such great role models of
revolution as Christ, Krishna, Mohammad, and Gandhi;
Convinced that democracy is not a mere show of elections used merely as
a device of capturing power somehow, and then to forget people to be remembered
again only when they are needed again for a repeat performance;
Determined to change the present system for the weal of all by removing
the cobwebs of studied pretence, and to make the organs of our governance
function as per the commands of our Constitution stripping it off the
distortions made by the schemers of neo-liberalism working as the harlots for a
morbid ersatz version of colonialism and imperialism through its dexterous
structure of deception; ...."
12. A
lot of thinking on non-partisan system had been done in the West. This concept
could not be implemented because the vested interests did not allow it get a
circulation. I get that George
Washington had cautioned against political parties in his Farewell Address. You may
read the following comments
in the Wikipedia:
"In the United States, the unicameral legislature of Nebraska is nonpartisan. In Canada,
the territorial legislatures of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are nonpartisan. In New Zealand, Tokelau has a nonpartisan parliament. Many city and county governments[vague] are nonpartisan. Nonpartisan
elections and modes of governance are common outside of state institutions."
profile of those who worked in our Constituent Assembly
13. It is interesting to note that our Constituent Assembly, which framed
our Constitution, did not work on party lines. Granville Austin in his The Indian Constitution:
Cornerstone of a Nation (at p.
8) noted this fact: he said, "The membership of
the Congress in the Constituent Assembly and outside held social, economic, and
political views ranging from the reactionary to the revolutionary." Austin
comments: "…because the Congress
and its candidates covered a broad spectrum, those elected to the assemblies
did represent the diverse viewpoints of voters and non-voters alike." The
Constituent Assembly had a vision which is spelt out in our Constitution. The
Struggle for Freedom [in which my parents participated, and which I witnessed,
and suffered with joy] had a
vision. What is sad, at present, is
that our nation has lost a n over-arching Vision, and has become, it is very
saddening to say, a gruesome vision of vast imbecility! We must find out a way.
It is our kartavya-karma. It will be great if our nation acquires the vision
to pursue the mission of our Constitution, and develops the passion to work to
realise the Directive Principles of our Constitution.
Some relevant Questions Raised are briefly answered
14. I apologise for writing this
lengthy paper when the present demands pointed answers. I have written the
above lines to constitute the backdrop of the short submissions in the
following table [persons abler than me would surely come out with more
enlightening ideas: even this humble self would remain on a constant quest for
better and nobler solutions]:
Questions |
I answer |
(i) Selection ofcandidates
Let the people of the constituency concerned selectits candidate. If more than two candidates come up, let the people of thatconstituency decide. Whosoever be the candidate, he should really belong tothat constituency. People would be the best judge of the worth of thecandidate. None can flaunt its party-ticket, none can plead on the ground ofaffiliation with this or thatparty, or group. No reservationwould be needed for any section. If the people of that constitency wish, theycan elect any man or woman, be hea Hindu, or a Muslim, or this or that. The decision on all material pointswill be by the assembly or concil of all the Gram Sabhas of that constiuency.No foreign intervention would be allowed. But dissemination of ideas, or forthe exposure of crooks any citizen of our country can visit the people totell their brothers and sisters what they must not miss in theirdecision-making. Please see para 6 (a) and (b). I have suggested for theright to recall in certain circumstances. It matters little if the person tobe re-called is just an ordinary representative, or the holder of highposition.. .
(ii) Resourcesto run for election
We would not need much resources to run elections .See my reasons set forth in para 6 (a) and (b) above. It is possible to runelections with no expenditure on the part of candidates. If it happens, themost fecund fount of corruptionwould go. It is possible to end this evil; and our people would love to see thatday when it happens. Besides, resources would surely come for the noble causeas our people are liberal in helping when cause is noble, for the weal of. all.The human commodities of the market-ruled phase of economic globalizationmight have forgotten the Bhagavadgita, but most Indians treasure its ideas asthe governing ideals of their life.
(iii) Structure,and name of the formation for the cause
The dynamics of operation would forge the right'structure'. The passion that would drive us, the vision that would sustainus, the tradition that would keep us erect even in the tempests, would shapethe 'structure'. Read the history of revolutions how 'structures' are shaped,how creative vectors operate, how the flame of revolutionary creativity is protected even in storms, how hopesurvives even after witnessing its flickering flame not capable of survivingeven a whiff of air.
The name of this formation: We can wait till we articulate thedimensions of the Movement, the ambit of its reach. Even a baby newly born waits a few days till the right time for naamkaran comes. However we may weigh such expressions as these: लोकमंगल,लोकसक्ति, जनजागरण, सर्वमंगल, भारतसंतति, जनमंगल, संपूर्णक्रांति, शुभम. DemocracyWatch India; Workers forDemocracy and Social Justice;
Formation (or 'Centre, or Movement, or Union, or Association, ) forConstitutional Socialism; or for Constitutional Mission; or for Democracy;for Social Justice; |
(iv) Organization,and leadership
I havealready mentioned. Even torrential waters have their course; even a vocaniceruptions have their patterns.When there is commitment for a cause, the ways are always found, strategiesare surely minted. There are things we see, there are things unfolding at adistance but surely within our ken; but there are many more things emergingat the horizons. We must have the integrity, imagination and moral focus; wemust have a steadfast convictionthat things done for the good of all never perish.
(v) Agenda ofthe formation
We know it. We also know that its circle is bound toget widened. Its range, and grammar, its tone and tenor, and its sweep andambit would keep on changing.. The zone of operation would have its dynamics:it would grow or shrink in the light the wisdom that passing moments wouldprovide. In every Movement, history moves through the dynamics of Challengeand Response. It is foolish to foresee all: we cannot script our destiny asthe IMF does. We must try to seeeverything on our right to-day. .
(vi) PublicAwareness
Without'public awareness' nothing can be done, because we shall be working with our people, and for our people. One point mostforeigners and their stooges in our country tend to miss: the uniquecharacter of the people of India. We have seen in history, governments getting into servitude,but our people have neveraccepted slavery. . Even formal government in its Western sense, is only optionalin our country. We want ourgovernment to work for our weal, not for those who build their cloud castlesin tax havens, or anywhere else. Iwish that whilst asserting for Justice everyone must work following the motto which Arjuna hadset for himself: na dainyam, na palayanam (no cringing and no abdication of duty).
15, I hope the
vested interests, the big corporations, the beneficiaries of corruption, their
mentors, and their strategic operators working from the tax havens, secrecy
jurisdictions, and other parts of the foggy globe, even the baffling Cyberspace
would see wisdom , and help the Movement to succeed. It is midnight when
fingers keep kissing the laptop's keyboard. It has occurred to mind that the green lizard high on the wall of my
room mutely muttered: " Are you sure that this text, written with more than
ten thousand strokes on the keyboard of this helpless laptop, would mean anything for those whose
betrayals of public interest are for limitless GREED ? I wondered: I was nonplus, I had no
ready answer. But those words came to my mind in which Nehru
had insightfully commented on the Fall of Bastille in the French Revolution:
"It is curious how these people become even more foolish as the crisis deepens,
and thus help in their destruction. There is a famous Latin saying which just fits them
—-quem dues perdere vult, prius dementat,whom God wishes to
destroy, he first makes mad. There is an almost exact equivalent in Sanskrit —-vinash
kale viparit buddhi."
16. I would end this paper with two quotes for our
countrymen to reflect on till the great objectives of the Anna Movement are achieved, or till all is lost; one is
from the Bhagavad-Gita, and the other
is from the holy the Quran:
uddhared atmana'tmanam Na'tmanam avasadayet
atmai 'va hy atmano
bandhuratmai'va ripur atmanah.
The Bhagavad-Gita
ला यूगय यरो
मा _बकौ _मनह_ता
युगय यरो वा _बन
_तसे हुम'
Holy Quran
Appendix 'A'
assessment of the role of political parties
"Both the
major political parties in our country follow programmes which, on core points,
illustrate the same agenda. An expert has observed with perspicacity:
"They [the politicians and political parties] are the prime examples of
such behaviour. They are not interested in delivering on promises so they
resort to untruths to maintain themselves in power. Cynicism in the public and
the individual's alienation from society are useful to them to maintain their
hold on power."
We are aghast at
seeing our political parties taking advantages under the Representation of the
People Act, 1951, but not adhering to our Constitution's socialist mission
prescribed by the Act. Our political parties have not shown dedication to
remove 'democratic deficit' in treaty-making power, nor have they striven to frame
law to govern the formation and implementation of treaties. Whatever they may
say for public consumption, they are seen committed only to the neoliberal
approaches. They are indifferent to the question of 'moral deficit', as they,
for reasons we all know, are not interested in controlling corruption and black
money. The ever-growing scams, and the allegations of corruption have shown
that all the mighty political parties have behaved almost the same way by
selecting tainted leaders, by facilitating the criminals to remain comfortable,
by delaying and frustrating legal actions thereby frustrating punitive actions
against the culprits.….Inequality
in matters of income and opportunities has grown. As both the Congress and the
BJP have accepted the neoliberal paradigm, there is now no effective actions to
make our society egalitarian. I would mention in Chapter 23 how both the two
major political parties helped the Mauritius route to be utilized, against our
national interest. Both of them have been indifferent to the rampant
corruptions going on our country. Neither of these parties made sincere efforts
to bring about effective anti-corruption law. Both these political parties have
shown lackadaisical attitudes in implementing the United Nations
Convention against Corruption. Both the major major political parties of our
country have tried to appease the USA. The BJP was dominant in the alliance
that had provided government from 1998 to 2004. Noam Chomsky has observed
writing about India:
'Since the
government came under the control of the Hindu right in 1998, India has shifted
its international instance considerably, moving toward a closer military
relationship with both the US and Israeli client…. Addressing the American
Jewish Committee in Washington, India's national security advisor, Brejesh
Mishra, called for development of a US-Israel –India 'triad' that will
have "the political will and moral authority to take bold decisions" in
combating terror.'.
Getting down to
the brass tacks, the BJP helped the Congress to go ahead with the Indo-US
Nuclear Deal. On many points of our great concern, they show through their
deeds distinction without a difference. Both try to glitter in borrowed plumes,
and their heart, when seen in testing moments, seldom bleeds for the common
Indians who love this land and its culture. Both have most often enacted a
melodrama of actions inflicting on us the tedium of witnessing shows most often
trivial and inane. We have seen how our reticent Prime Minister, Dr. Monmohan
Singh, turned assertive, loquacious, passionate and missionary in ensuring that
the Nuclear Deal with the US was signed. No amount of well-informed criticism,
inside or outside Parliament, had effect on him. India was dragged into a
'strategic alliance' exposing the security of this country to hazards. This
Deal might turn out one of secret alliances with the world's hegemone. If
something, like the disaster of Japan's the Fukushima Nuclear plant, takes
place, perish the thought, in our country; or if our country is driven through
frenzied lunacy to the World War III, our history would condemn all those who
worked for the said Deal (though by that time they might not remain alive to
suffer that). It seems our
major political parties pursue almost common agenda. This can be considered the
outcome of the monochromatic culture that neoliberal philosophy has promoted.
Even in the USA, the elections bear out the commitment of the parties to almost
the same agenda packaged in different ways. Speaking about the U.S. election
2000, called " stolen election", Chomsky very perceptively observes that
public opinion studies revealed 'that on eve of the election, three quarters of
the population regarded the process as largely a farce: a game played by
financial contributors, party leaders, and the public relations industry, which
crafted candidates to say "almost anything to get themselves elected" so that
one could believe little they said even when it was intelligible. On most
issues, citizens could not identify the stands of the candidates, not because
they are stupid or not trying, but
because of the conscious efforts of the PR industry.' And
this situation brought about "feeling of powerlessness". Chomsky has noted how
in the U.S. has emerged a 'system of one political party with two factions
controlled by shifting segments of business community.'53 Almost
the same strategy for success at the hustings is being adopted in our country
by our political parties. The regional parties have no macro vision, no national
agenda; and their observation-post is seen hedged in by narrow considerations.
The communists have lost their ways, and are yet to perceive the objectives for
which they would like to make themselves relevant. What I had told Mr. Raja,
M.P., responding to his Special Address in the National Seminar on "Treaty
Making Power of Government" on July 21, 2007, is still my considered
suggestions to all our communist friends (see Chapter 20 Section VI). Section
29A(5) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 mandates adherence to the
policy of socialism. The political parties, which show indifference to the
socialist ideal, deserve to be derecognized by the Election Commission of
India. The political party, which makes a presentation of certain agenda to the people in which
it does not believe, acts in grossly fraudulent way. As the Election Commission
grants certain statutory benefit, it has an inherent power to withdraw that
grant of benefit. If the conduct and the deeds of a political party, after its
election, show that it did not believe in what it had stated in the documents
seeking registration by the Election Commission, it becomes the duty of the
Election Commission to cancel registration granted. Doing so would be in tune
with our public policy. We cannot forget what Lord Denning LJ said in Lazarus
Estates Limited v. Beasley5: "No judgment of court, no order of a
Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud
unravels everything."
Anticipating the criticism of the idea of 'Partyless' government. I
would mention, in passing, some specific advantages of the 'Partyless'
(i) We have seen
that many evils have ensued because of the growth of what is called 'party
dictatorship' in which some inner caucus smothers the democratic spirit of the
organization by subjecting its members to imposed agenda. This evil would go if
'Partyless' government is formed with shared agenda.
(ii) It is also
noticed that many good persons do not come forward to stand elections because
the political parties, led by their barons, want only servile persons to come
to legislature so that they can be easily shepherded the way the bosses of the
parties desired.
(iii) It becomes
easy for the vested interests to manipulate our domestic politics if there is a
strong party discipline imposed. This helps them to promote their interests by
bribing, or influencing, or pressurizing the elements who rule inside a
political party.
(iv) Party
dictatorship leads to 'cabinet dictatorship' which is never good for a democracy.
The partyless democracy would provide a better scope for an assertive and
vigilant role of the people."
Shiva Kant Jha, Advocate at the Supreme Court of India, & former Chief
Commissioner of Income-tax; the Author of (i) The Judicial Role in
Globalised Economy, (ii) Final Act of WTO: Abuse of Treaty-Making
Power, and (iii) the
Autobiographical Memoir: On the Loom of
Time. See for more at . His email- address is
"Let a man lift himself by himself ; let him not degrade himself; for the Self alone is the
friend of the self and the Self alone is the enemy of the self." The Bhagavadgita VI. 5 ( Dr. S. Radhakrishnan's Translations)
God will not change the condition of any people unless they bring about a
change in themselves.")
